
Oil Pulling

Aug 4 • 1 minute read

Oil pulling has recently resurfaced as a popular oral hygiene routine.  It has been around for thousands of years and advocates believe that oil pulling can reduce oral bacterial loads, prevent plaque formation, remove stains and reduce gum inflammation.  There is limited science to support these claims and the American Dental Association has stated that there is insufficient research to support the practice of oil pulling.  However, anecdotally, many believe there are some health benefits.

What is oil pulling?  If you’d like to try it, there are some do’s and don’ts.  Oil pulling is much like rinsing and spitting out mouthwash, except it is with oil for an extended amount of time.

Here are some guidelines:

Use the correct oil!  You should look for ones with 3:6 omega fat ratio.  Sunflower oil and coconut oils are the most popular.

DO NOT SWALLOW the oil.  Use a small amount so you can comfortably swish for 20minutes.

Oil pull at the same time every day.  Most people will pull in the morning, before brushing.

When swishing, move the oil around your entire mouth to coat all the teeth. 

If you do want to try oil pulling, you should still continue to brush twice a day and floss once a day.  Oil pulling does not take the place of mechanical debridement by brushing!

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